Economic Development

Feature Story An artist's rendering of the new waterfront plaza in Benton Harbor.

$2 million waterfront plaza planned for Benton Harbor

Feature Story gilmoregasstation
Feature Story cassopolismural

Cassopolis reimagines childcare

Development News “This project will create a new space in Downtown Allegan that is inclusive of all users and modernize a beloved community place,” says MEDC Regional Prosperity Managing Director Paula Holtz.
Feature Story The Ocean Navigator docks at the new $5 million pier along Houghton's waterfront.

Small ports welcome uptick in Great Lakes cruises

Feature Story trinityhealthshelby

Q & A with rural hospital leaders

Feature Story orvbylake
Feature Story  Clay hands being made for a Muskegon Museum of Art touring Through Our Lens: Hands exhibit.

White Lake council boosts rural access to the arts