What’s happening: The Michigan Chinook Cup was hoisted by some familiar hands in Kalamazoo earlier this month, as Michigan’s top hops farmers competed in the 8th annual Michigan Chinook Cup during Michigan’s Great Beer State Conference & Trade Show at the Radisson Plaza Hotel. Dog Star Hops of Charlotte, Mich. emerged from a field of nine competitors to win the trophy, its third such win in the contest’s eight years.
What it is: The Michigan Chinook Cup is awarded to Michigan’s best Chinook hop grower each year, with a panel of experts rating contestants on aroma, appearance/color, and brewing values through a series of blind sensory tests.
Why it is: Chinook hops are among the most popular hop varieties in the nation, and Chinook hops grown in Michigan are distinct from other popular Chinook hop-growing regions like the Pacific Northwest; Michigan’s Chinook hops are known for their citrusy, clean profile. With nearly 500 acres in hop production, Michigan is ranked as the top hop producer in the Great Lakes Region and fourth in the nation, with the top three states each located in the Pacific Northwest.
[Related: Read "Michigan hop farmers are upbeat about their future" on Rural Innovation Exchange.]
Back on top: Winning the 8th annual Michigan Chinook Cup was the Charlotte-based Dog Star Hops; the Eaton County hop farm also won the trophy in 2022 and 2023. Taking second place was Mr. Wizard Hops of Monroe with third place going to Bell’s Brewery of Comstock.
Who’s behind it: The Hop Growers of Michigan nonprofit presents the annual Michigan Chinook Cup competition each year at Michigan’s Great Beer State Conference & Trade Show, which itself is presented by the Michigan Brewers Guild, Master Brewers Association of the Americas – District Michigan, and Michigan State University Extension (MSUE).
What they’re saying: “On behalf of MSUE, I’m really pleased to have helped organize the Chinook Cup this year,” reads a statement from Rob Sirrine, MSUE Senior Educator. “The quality was outstanding and showcased the spectacular aroma attributes of Michigan Chinook. It really demonstrates the efforts that Michigan hop growers have made to produce world class hops. Congrats to Dog Star Hops, Mr. Wizards Hops, and Bell’s!”
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