PHOTOS: How Hazel Park makes the most of murals

Hazel Park promotes itself as The Friendly City, and if the stunning murals that adorn public spaces, the walls of private businesses, and even residential fencelines, are anything to go by, the moniker could be accurate. 

Metromode photographer Steve Koss captures some of the impressive scenes in the Oakland County city. 

Carl Oxley III has developed this welcoming scene for patrons of David Gold Medal Sports at 23809 John R. Road.

The welder mural, by Sintex, on the side of the studio of Brian DuBois, is a well-known backdrop to the city's scene.

Even private residences are celebrating the style, with this mural painted by Robert Zurenko.

At Fuller Park, a BMX image promotes the popular pastime at the park, artist unknown.

Green Acres Park hasn't escaped a bright splash of color, either, with this artwork by Carl Oxley III.

This work, by Sheefy McFly, brightens the side of Skymint's business premises.

Murals are just one of the ways the city is promoting the arts. This sculpture stands in Hazel Park’s Art Garden, located at 21809 John R. Road.
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