Berkley’s 'Business of the Year' celebrates grand opening of new location in downtown Plymouth

What’s happening: Downtown Berkley’s award-winning “Business of the Year” for 2021 is celebrating a second location, having expanded from its home in Oakland County to include a new store in downtown Plymouth. VITRINE, a lifestyle boutique that sells clothing, accessories, gifts, and more, has been operating under a “soft opening” from its new shop since late last year.

A nICE touch: A grand opening celebration is planned for Saturday, Feb. 12, from noon to 4 p.m. The event coincides with the Plymouth Ice Festival and, as such, the grand opening ceremony will be marked by cutting a ribbon made of ice.

What they’re saying: “VITRINE is pleased to join the Plymouth community during a winter tradition as delightful as the Ice Festival,” says store manager Rachel Britts. “We are eager to welcome new customers to our store and partner with local charities and nonprofits to support their various missions.”

Purpose Patio: As Britts alludes to, VITRINE makes “doing good” part of its mission, carrying Fair Trade products and donating a portion of each month’s profits to charity. The Plymouth location’s “Purpose Patio” will offer rent-free space for local nonprofits, startups, and charities to sell their products and spread their messages.

Hot Toddy time: In addition to the ice ribbon-cutting ceremony, the grand opening will have VITRINE on Main participating in an attempt to break a world record for the “most Hot Toddys served at an Ice Festival.” Participants receive a free Hot Toddy and a commemorative ice-cube-shaped shot glass. All VITRINE on Main shoppers will receive a VITRINE tote bag with their purchases, while supplies last.

VITRINE on Main is located at 772 S. Main St. in downtown Plymouth.

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MJ Galbraith is a writer and musician living in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.