Sterling Heights

Sterling Heights seeks community input as it develops new Master Land Use Plan

What’s happening: It was just last week when we shared the news of Sterling Heights debuting its Visioning 2040 strategic plan, a strategy for achieving sustainable growth, economic development, and community wellbeing over the next 10 to 15 years. Yet a city planning department’s job is never done: On Valentine’s Day, Wednesday, Feb. 14, the City announced that it’s time to rewrite their Master Land Use Plan, which itself is a strategic plan for cultivating the city’s built and natural environments.

What it is: The Master Land Use Plan helps guide city leaders as they chart out the city's future, developing land use, transportation, economic development, parks and recreation, housing, and environmental sustainability goals and objectives. It serves as a city planning road map, of sorts, and stands to determine how Sterling Heights could look 20 years from now.

Public input: Community is key when it comes to developing the Master Land Use Plan, city officials attest. An official website was developed in efforts to engage the community throughout the process, which is now available online. Residents, business owners, and other community stakeholders are encouraged to visit the website to learn more about the planning process and those working on it. Workshops, surveys, and and community input sessions are scheduled throughout the year, beginning with a Youth Advisory Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 12. Also planned is an online simulator where residents can rank their concerns and priorities; a resource pack that serves to educate residents about city planning, zoning, and budgeting; and more.

Why it’s important: “We want to hear from everyone – families, young people, seniors, local businesses, community organizations – because everyone’s voice matters in shaping the future of our city,” says Mayor Michael Taylor. “The broader the community input, the stronger and more effective our master plan will be.”

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MJ Galbraith is a writer and musician living in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.