Detroit co-working company to move in to historic building in downtown Royal Oak

Well, that didn’t take long.

Following the late-summer move of Bright Ideas Furniture from their longtime downtown Royal Oak location at the corner of Third and Main to another building further up the street, the historic building sat vacant but only for a few months.

Built in 1925, the two-story and 20,000 sq. ft. the red-bricked building will soon be home to one of the region’s larger homegrown co-working spaces, Bamboo.

Founded in Detroit in 2013, Bamboo currently occupies four floors of the Julian C. Madison Building in downtown Detroit. The Royal Oak location, its second, is expected to open in the fall of 2020.

"We look forward to supporting the existing and growing businesses in Royal Oak by contributing a vibrant and modern workspace, community programming, and amenities to the neighborhood," says Amanda Lewan co-founder and CEO of Bamboo.

"We believe our role at Bamboo is to help diversify our economy and spur business development."

The Royal Oak workspace will feature both turnkey and customizable office space with an emphasis on community. There will also be an opportunity for private and public event rentals.

Bamboo has partnered with Ferlito Group and Synecdoche Design Studio to develop and design the space.

"We are committed to making sure those who work, live, and play in our city have the amenities they need. We want them to grow and succeed, and Bamboo offers them another avenue to do just that," says Royal Oak Mayor Michael Fournier.

"We are looking forward to partnering with them and their team on local events and providing individuals, entrepreneurs, and companies with affordable, accessible office space. We are thrilled to welcome Bamboo into the business landscape."

Bamboo Royal Oak will be located at 220 S. Main St. in downtown Royal Oak.

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MJ Galbraith is a writer and musician living in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.