State of Health

State of Health is a series about how Michigan communities are rising to address health challengesPrevious coverage examined health disparities and how they affect Michigan's children and seniors and integrated care and its potential to improve Michiganders' health. This series is made possible with funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund.

Longform Shelby Coolbaugh, administrative assistant for the Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (MLTCOP), and Salli Pung, state long term care omubdsman for MLTCOP.
Feature Story Veronica Bilicki oversees the Patient as Caregiver program.

Henry Ford Health program helps unpaid caregivers stay healthy

Longform Kristin Graham
Longform Christine Sauvé.
Feature Story Robert Sheehan, executive director of the Community Mental Health Association of Michigan
Longform Dr. Tiffany Abrego, executive director of behavioral health at the Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Michigan and associate professor of psychology at Wayne State University, and Jeremiah Green, whose idea led to the Mentally Fit Program.